Sunday, August 11, 2013

Croatia and Montenegro suck too.

So, I decided to have a little trip to the Adriatic coast.  wrong decision.  General impression of Croatia:  a country of people reluctantly forced into the tourism industry - desperate for your tourist dollars, but wishing you would just fuck right off after you've given it to them.  Like Serbs, expecting that you'll loooooooooooooooove their little country because it's self-evidently the best place on earth.  You're swarmed by toothless grandmas at the bus station who want you to stay at their "hotel" who then get furious if you don't take the room because it includes their chain-smoking deadbeat son hanging out in the livingroom ("don't worry, he sleeps on the balcony").

They are fundamentally arrogant, like Serbs.  They don't accept credit cards at major transport hubs.  Why would they?  They've already deigned to allow you into their wonderful country to take your money.  Their bus station, their rules.  now give me your cash and fuck off.  The way-inflated prices for visiting another balkans dump is another symptom of this arrogance.  No, you're not Italy or France or Monaco.  I predict the free market will eventually crush Croatia (after a brief up-tick after EU ascension).  People will visit once but not bother returning for a second visit.

Also, they are hypersensitive about the nomenclature of the language they speak.  Croatian and Serbian are different languages like New Hampshire English and Louisiana English are different languages.  Maybe you could make such a case, but it would be stupid to stamp your foot and insist that they ARE different languages.  Anyway.  If someone tells you "you speak Croatian wonderfully", don't tell them, "thanks, I learned it in Belgrade".  Just a heads-up  :)

Montenegro is Croatia on food-stamps.  Same shit, but with a little less corn in it.

If you're in the region, skip Croatia, nevermind Montenegro.  You get a better bang for your buck in Turkey, especially after this current political situation there dies down.


  1. oh ya. it deserves a mention that Croatian bus drivers are rude and aggressive as fuck and Montenegrin train conductors are thieves, putting half your fare in their pocket.

  2. doot, why the fuck do you take the bus?

    " Anyway. If someone tells you "you speak Croatian wonderfully", don't tell them, "thanks, I learned it in Belgrade". Just a heads-up "

    I LOL'd, hahahaha, good one

    i was browsing and thinking of vacationing in croatia this summer, because say what you want but they do have some nice beaches with crystal clear water... anywho, after looking at some more up scale places, calculating cost of travel, food, misc expenses, i came to the conclusion it costs the same as if i'd just fly to turkey and stay all inclusive at a 5 star hotel, so here i am writing from turkey ;)

    1. I'm serious. My buddy from the USA and I were pretty much unwelcome in that Dalmatian town after that.

      Yes, you're right. Croatian beaches ARE beautiful.

  3. LOL! this is fantastic! I love reading about how we ridicule and frustrate faggot-ass posers like you! Please give us more! Tell us about all the hot-ass women that treated you like a limp-dick piece of shit because they could tell you were a broke-ass whiny bitch, I'm sure those stories get you very riled up and bitchy so we can laugh and laugh at you!

    Oh wait, you don't seem to have any followers. I wonder why? People are probably just all assholes, huh? Or, much more likely, they can all tell your some frustrated, no-pussy-gettin, whiny loser and they don't want anything to do with you, just like all the women you try to approach. Seriously, try to go pick up a girl, any time. You can't, can you? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!

    Anyway I got no more time for you as my half-asian, half ukranian girlfriend with an absolutely GORGEOUS ass is begging me to turn off the comp and go bang her. Aaaah, it's a tough life.

    Later, have fun jerking off tonight, Loser!

    1. Thanks for enjoying my blog!

      ...and for so artfully illustrating the essence of my balkanic ramblings.

    2. As for Croatian girls - they're pretty easy. Just pretend to be Serbian :)

  4. Dear Doot,

    I have read your blog and my impression is that you actually like Belgrade, just you would like to see some improvements. Rightly so. I am sure that you are aware that Serbia has still some image problems and that the title of your blog support certain stereotypes that is not easy to break(It is not unusual to write "Belgrade sucks blog" like "London sucks" would be; it is common belief of most "ordinary" people in developed world that "Serbia sucks"). Thus, I would put in front of you an idea of changing your blog title. A new title that would be "What should be improved in Serbia" or "What I do not like about Serbia" or something along these lines. "Serbia sucks" is brutal and it actually does not reflect the contents of your blog.


    1. You seem like a nice guy with good intentions. So, no offense, but, thank you for providing a good example of Serbian cognitive dissonance and general delusionality :)

    2. @Doot: No offence taken. Once I sow on a Jerry Springer show an African American who was supporter of KKK.

    3. I suppose you're trying to imply that I, having Serbian decent, am somehow not allowed or that it is somehow improper to criticize Serbia. That Serbia is, like the African American, traditionally oppressed and the rest of the world, the KKK, is the oppressor.

      awww. Poor Serbia. :(

  5. @Doot: I am just saying that you are factually wrong. As an example, you state "Serbia is the worst place on earth" while it is very unlikely that you visited all places on earth and scientifically measured how good/bad these places are. Thus, you are publically biased against Serbia while being Serbian yourself.

    1. obviously, "worst place on earth" is a bit of creative exaggeration. Don't be so obtuse :)

      I'm not biased. I didn't hate Serbia before I came here. I came with an open mind. I don't hate Serbia because of something BBC or CNN told me. I hate Serbia because of my personal experiences.

      Anyway. Thanks for enjoying my blog. I'd say sorry that it gives you an ouchie, but I'm not really sorry.

    2. So, you're posting from the UK?

      How many weeks of your life have you spent in Serbia?

      Just curious.

  6. Rodjen sam i odrastao u Beogradu. Mator sam (mozda su moja deca tvoji vrsnjaci?). Procitaj knjigu "Foliranti". To je moj Beograd. Volim kafanu "Kolarac". Odem u bastu (iza kafane, ne na ulici) i narucim cevape. Isti su kakve ih pamtim (od pre 50 godina). Sednem na Kalimegdan i gledam zalazak sunca (priceless za mene).

    1. Sounds nice. "my belgrade" is extortion attempts (on me), endless scams, incompetence, irresponsibility, laziness all mixed in with lots of baseless pride.

      Your Belgrade sounds nice.

  7. @Doot: In every place I worked/lived in my life (and I have been around) I encountered endless scams, incompetence, irresponsibility, laziness all mixed in with lots of other elements. As an example, I have seen all that when working for some top USA institutions that are household names (a peasant selling on Zeleni Venac would know about them; I will not mention specifics here as it would be unfair knowing that others are not much better, probably worse). If I do reality/reputation ratio Belgrade would not fare that bad. On the contrary.

  8. @Doot: I am currently living in Serbia and ended up here in very similar circumstances as you but with the exception that I grew up in Australia. I have experienced the same closed minded Serbian mentality which you have described here. I had a friend forward me the URL for your blog and read through it in one sitting, nodding and laughing at your experiences. I thought I was the only one frustrated at the social system here, expecting some level of social order. Would love to have a beer with you and share stories of the frustrations of living in Serbia.

  9. >Would love to have a beer with you and share stories of the frustrations of living in Serbia.

    It's a trap, that guy wants to beat the shit out of you.
    Be careful mang, you can't trust people in Serbia.

    1. Yes, this is always my first thought when I get this kind of invitation on my blog.

      Sorry guy, if you're real, but I won't be meeting anyone who invites me through my blog.

  10. I offered the invite for the beer. I didnt see that i could identify myself by name late last night when i got to the end of the blog and made my comment. The comment above about this being a trap to beat the shit out of you clearly indicates the widespread negativity which permeates the culture of Serbia. But having been on the receiving end of Serbian solution of an argument (fists) i can completely understand your reluctance. I guess I still naively believe that there is trust in this world. Keep up the good work with the blog. I will continue to read, nod and agree.

  11. @Doot: Your blog is fine, just the title of the blog is for me inappropriate. When somebody says "this is the worst place in the world", you don't expect that a lack of change in a shop is what is going to be discussed. I personally find service in shops in Belgrade in 2013 to be equal, if not better, than those in UK.

  12. @Robert: I feel that you are genuine. For Doot it is a great opportunity to find a soul-mate.

    1. But you don't know how creative are Serbs.

      He would beat him, shit down his throat, smash his balls with hammer then cook it and eat it. He would then make Doot eat a kg of plums so he can get a diarrhea. Then he would impale Doot's ass which is full of shit with dick for 5 minutes and then will take out his penis and then make Doot suck his penis which is full of shit.

  13. I find your blog amusing. I am not Serbian and have never been to Serbia so I can't flat out say that I disagree with your generalizations(even though I mostly do). Being a Bosnian from a mixed marriage that moved to the United States I am well aware of the situation in the Balkans even if I don't have to live with it day-to-day.

    You are, of course, entitled to your beliefs. But do you not care or want to understand why Serbia is the way it is?

    Sure, some of the things you describe don't make much sense and should be fixed but the world is not that simple.

    Rambling aside- my real reason for this comment is to hear from you what you DO enjoy about Serbia and Serbians.

    (side note- I've been going to Croatia since I was very young and have never had a bad experience with the country or the people. Other than a few rude people that can be found everywhere everyone I've met has been friendly and open towards me- this is true for the rest of the Balkans and especially Bosnia.)

    1. @Doot: Ajvar, kajmak, tresnje, lubenice, rostilj, kulen, devojke, pozoriste, kajsije, burek..

    2. things I don't like is people feeling entitled to tell me what I should likeo :)

    3. Nema vise, dobri svete
      one lepe se'set pete
      kad smo bili na svecari
      kod kumova nasih starih
      klizio je voz ko sanke
      al' smo stigli do Palanke
      Severac je duv'o 'ladan
      pa ko ne bi bio gladan
      I cim smo stigli
      viknu kum svoju zenu
      Sido, postavljaj, Bog te vid'o
      spremila nam kuma nasa
      za uzinu paprikasa
      pa kolace, krmenadle
      i par sarmi svakom
      mesto leba mesa bela
      princes krofne vangla cela
      suvih sljiva i koljiva
      i rezance s makom
      e, kad se samo setim
      al' se nekad dobro jelo, bas
      Do vecere vreme kratko
      za kitnikes i za slatko
      da odbijes, to ne vredi
      da se kuma ne uvredi
      nas kum Pera, dipl. agronom
      rec o ovom, rec o onom
      sve uz vino, porto-gizer
      'di gutljaji sami klize
      Taman smo bili gladni kada se zacu
      Sido, veceru, Bog te vid'o
      odjedared astal saren,
      sos paradajz, krompir baren
      suve snicle, ko promincle
      kara-batak svakom
      na podvarku curka, zna se
      gdi je curka, tu je prase
      onda torte, razne sorte
      i rezanci s makom
      ej, kad se samo setim
      al' se nekad dobro jelo, bas
      Vejao je sneg po soru
      sedeli smo do pred zoru
      baba rece, deder kaput
      radni dan je, ajmo na put
      al' kum Pera odma' skoci
      sta to vide moje oci
      Sido, ne daj nikom kaput
      prvo frustuk, e, ondak na put
      Ne drema vredna kuma
      ne slusa prve petle
      brza je od raketle
      nosi vruce 'leba kriske
      fafarone, cvarke friske
      zacas sprema sunke, rena
      i pihtije svakom
      pitamo ih ljudi, dokle
      cekaj, kazu, jos snenokle
      i sufnudle i griz-strudle
      i rezance s makom
      hej, kad se samo setim,
      al' se nekad dobro jelo, bas
      I ondak, sat i frtalj
      kol'ko je is'o sinobus
      nismo nista jeli
      i kad smo stigli na stanicu odma
      kupimo burek, lep, frisak
      mastan, sve nam
      onako, mast curila niz bradu.
      pa ondak opalimo preko toga
      jednu tepsiju sampita i gajbu piva
      mlakog, crnog

    4. E pa vreme se promenilo, sad su neki novi klinci (samo sto ne trce vec se pucaju pajdom na ulazima u zgrade).

    5. >rakija

  14. @Doot: To je sta ja volim. Zaboravio sam krem-bananice.

    1. Koga bole kurac sta ti volis, ako ne zivis u Srbiji onda definitivno nemas pojma koliko je sranje ovde ziveti.
      Zemlja sa jebeno najgorim standardom u Evropi.

  15. @Anonymous: Nisam primetio da je lose. Kada odem svi moji drugari su super (uglavnom su dekani/prodekani nekih fakulteta, ministri itd.). Primecujem izvanredan napredak u odnosu na 1999. Ja se uvek super provedem. Za mene je bolje nego ikad.

    1. It's not at all unusual for people from this area who have become only occasional visitors to the region to be totally and completely clueless and disconnected from the real Serbia, so you're in good company.

  16. @Doot: Ne radi se o tome sto ja povremeno dolazim, vec sa kim se druzim. Ako ti moras da imas svakodnevne kontakte sa primitivcima onda ti nije prijatno. Ni Amerika/UK nije ista za svakoga. Za nekoga je izvanredna, a za nekoga prilicno losa. Beograd je moj grad, znam svaki kamen, znam kako dise, znam sve.

  17. @Doot: Znas sta sam teo da te pitam. Zasto ne pises blog na srpskom? Imao bi puno vise ljudi da ti pisu svoja negativna iskustva u Srbiji.

  18. Dodji ovamo

  19. @Doot: Napisi malo kakva je atmosfera u Beogradu danas na utakmici sa Hrvatskom. Strasno mi je zao sto necu biti da cujem huk marakane u trenutku kada istrci Hrvatska Reprezentacija. Tu su se od atmosfere gubili i najjaci timovi (Real, Bajern..). Idi ako mozes.

  20. Mate, just chill! Why be a hater:-)) it is actually not good for your health!

  21. @Doot: Je li ides da gledas Srbija-Kanada Devis Kup?

  22. Lol this is funny because Serbians actually act like real people. If you have something on your face, then they'll tell you, they won't pretend not to notice it. They don't care what people think of them, they'll act, speak, live how they want to. You say that the economy is bad (which it is,) but Serbia used to be up higher in the economic system before the Yugoslavian war. The war was unnecessary, it was just NATO finding a way to ruin a perfectly good country. Serbia is a nice country, and obviously I have a bias towards it because I am from Serbia, but there really isn't a reason to hate Serbia. Why do you care about the people being "lazy?" Have you seen the villagers in the small cities? They spend their whole day outside in their farms to provide food for their family, it's their alternative to "office life." If the majority of Serbians had the privileges and opportunities to North America, they would. Instead of hating the people for the country, I suggest you should feel bad for them because this is their only future.

    1. Lol, so Doot acts like a real Serb. If Serbia sucks ass, then he'll say so, he won't pretend not to notice it. He doesn't care what people think of him, ha ha ha. He speaks the truth!

    2. :D @ last anonymous.

      @ the previous.... Maybe it's ok for you if Serbs tend to be lazy when you travel there every few years and sit in a kafana. It has no effect on you and your little vacation. Unfortunately for me, who's actually trying to do something serious, the behavior and habits of those around me have a serious affect, notwithstanding how hard workers in the agricultural sector happen to work.

      As for this "Serbia was a total innocent bystander, just minding her own business, when the jealous west decided to ruin them because they were so great"..... cummon. just cummon.

    3. ".....for me, who's actually trying to do something serious...." Yeah I think that right there might be the problem.....your delusion that you have something serious to offer this world:) However unlike in the west (and pretty much the rest of this planet) in Serbia, if you're a piece of talentless shit we just don't have the stomach to say "yes sir that's a glorious idea" about your moronic self-serving concoctions simply cos you have some pillaged booty lining your slave owner pockets. It's called having a spine, but I don't expect you to appreciate that concept any time soon....
      And I'm still waiting for some facts. Cos I don't remember Serbia invading anyone for the last, oooooh, 1000 years or so. But I do remember being bombed 3 times and ethnically cleansed at least once in the last 20 odd years. And do I need to mention the continued occupation of our land?
      Maybe you should look up the word FACT in the dictionary. I'm sure you'll get it sooner or later. Unless "just (been) cummon" was supposed to be a statement of fact as to your actual predicament at the time of posting:)

    4. weird that you don't think foreign companies should invest in Serbia and hire Serbs.

      Why do you hate Serbs?

    5. @Anonymous: Ne slazem se sa tvojim postom. Doot ima pravo da pise sta oce i nije u redu da ga zoves "govnetom bez talenta". Iz tvog posta provejava ideja da su Srbi nesto posebno u odnosu na duge narode i sa time se ne bih slozio. Kao i drugi, i Srbi mogu biti i ovakvi i onakvi. Ako Doot ima ikakav poslovni odnos u Srbiji, ja mogu da razumem njegovu frustraciju. Za Srbiju moras da razumes principe "Burazerskog Kapitalizma" i potreban je trening da provalis sistem. Taj period ucenja je vrlo frustrirajuci.

    6. Jos da dodam da sam zahvalan Dootu sto nije opleo po Srbiji zbog zabrane Parade. Ta zabrana je stvarno bruka i to je bila velika prilika za njega da nam se "majke najebe". On to nije uradio, a mogao je. Tu ima pozitivno brojanje kod mene.

    7. Evo ja cu umesto njega

    8. Cestitam ti na estetici. Problem je sto to nisu ekskluzivno srpski brendovi i zato je nefer proglasiti ih srpskim.

  23. @Doot: Ko te tera da imas posla sa lenjim Srbima? Svet je veliki. Mozda su ljudi u Laosu, Kambodzi ili USA vredniji. Probaj.


    2. Nemoguce je racionalno objasniti zasto bi neko dobrovoljno (kljucna rec ovde) bio na mestu za koje ne kaze samo da je lose, vec najgore. Jedini nacin da se to razume je da malo detaljnije ispricas o sebi I svojoj situaciji. Siguran sam da bi to mogao, a da ne budes prepoznatljiv.

    3. fortunately for me, making sure that strangers on the internet understand me and aren't confused isn't a priority of mine.

    4. Preporucujem ti da procitas pricu Ive Andrica "Most na Zepi". Kratka je. Zasto bi ti, ako ti nije stalo, pisao blog?

  24. Doot, as a Serb who moved to an EU country (totally irrelevant which one) I learned one thing -you always get what you deserve, no matter which country you come from and which county you chose to live in. I suggest you observe yourself internally and hate less externally. You will discover amazing things, There is fundamental difference between what we want and what we *need*. What we need is what life provides to us, what we want is only our personal bullshit, a projection /deception.

    1. Nice one. But last time I did reality check Serbia offers none.

      That's like being hi and dry on dope and saying this is what life is providing me and I should be thankful to it.

      People in Serbia are so accommodated to collective depression and lethargy they do not have desire to reach for "new" heights. You know that Serbian saying: shut up it could be worse.

    2. Samo da te podsetim da je Doot nas. Ja mu iz postovanja i ljubavi pisem na srpskom. Sto se Srbije tice ona je i ovakva i onakva, ali je moja. Imam bracu, zenu, decu,koji nisu savrseni, ali ih volim. Trudim se da im pomognem koliko mogu.

    3. >People in Serbia are so accommodated to collective depression and lethargy they do not have desire to reach for "new" heights.

      Well, we were named the 4th most depressive people in the world.
      Ever heard about Sisyphus?

  25. I'm in Montenegro now, I actually googled 'Montenegro sucks' because I'm stuck in this shit hol for the next week. It appears to be just a cluster of '5*' hotels, all roping off their own section of beach so you can't even walk along it. Mine is spectacular, you have to 'pour' your own wine off a coke
    tap. I want to leave, but I can't even frigging find the way out, all the gates are shut! It's so bad my dad even offered to pay for me to get a ferry to Italy, plane to france, a week there to make up for it and then a plane back to London! If I could find the f-ing way out of the complex/prison then I would bite his hand off!

  26. I would like to add that the people I've met have been lovely, however they look as bored as I am..... and at least I have the benefit of being drunk on hideous cheap wine.

  27. Doot brate, ne mogu vise da te gledam kako se mucis. Jbg, napio sam se pa cu da ti podelim par tajni
    Ako hoces da platis racune (za ovo ti je potreban ziro racun) udji na sajt banke kod koje imas kreditnu|debitnu karticu i koristi digitalnu uplatnicu.
    Ako si kod Svajcaraca, evo ti

    Imas i do jaja gotivne stvari kao sto su reminder, itd.

    Ako hoces da nadjes nesto da jebes kupi oglase na trafici, imas masaze (koje se placaju), slobodne dame, ljude raspolozene za swing, itd. Mozes i da ides u barove samo nemoj neka fensi mesta jer su tu uglavnom rezervisano za neke badze. Mada iskreno mene su hrenovke startovale na splavovima za guzenje a da im nisam ni ime rekao.

    Za drozu si slagao opako, pa jbt vutru, amfetamine i eksere mozes da kupis od svakog drugog klinara na ulici. Kao sto sam i pre postovao pitaj nekoga koga znas za dilere ili idi na neko mesto gde su ljudi drogiraniji (uglavnom rave, rock i pc igraone) pa pitaj njih, zar je to toliko tesko. Ako si bas toliko smotan onda idi do zlashteka pa kupi vestacku vutru (mada ovo ti ne preporucujem da radis jer bi postao cest gost u Lazi)

    I na kraju plz. prosetaj malo Beogradom, underground ima dosta tajni da ti pokaze neke su mracne i depresivne a neke su svetle i srecne. Nacices mozda i neke stvari koje su jedinstvene i retko gde ih ima u svetu.

    E sad iskreno sto ti nisam ranije rekao je zbog toga sto mislim da si verovatno troll ali ajde jebes ga sad, ako nisi onda si tipican drugi stereotip diaspore.

    1. Znači jeftine kurve, droga... baš lepo. Hvala ti na preporuci. Ipak je bolje ne "šetati" mnogo BG-om u poslednje vreme da te neko ne pre- ili u-bije. A ako nam je normalna stvar kao reminder do jaja dostignuće, onda smo ga ugasili.

    2. Wow, trolling to the max

      Strasan si

    3. Samo se ti teši ako ti je tako lakše ali svima nam je jasno šta se dešava u Srbiji.

    4. Sta? Dolazi apokalipsa? Zombiji?

    5. Pa tako nešto. Eskalacija nasilja, raspad sistema... Pametni odlaze, zombiji ostaju. Al' bar imamo jeftine gudre i čkepi, šta će nam više.

    6. Meni burazeru i ne treba nista vise.

  28. >Pa tako nešto. Eskalacija nasilja, raspad sistema... Pametni odlaze, zombiji ostaju. Al' bar imamo jeftine gudre i čkepi, šta će nam više.

    To da, ali ovde je prica o Doot-u i njegovom proseravanju/trolovanju o stvarima koje su iskreno bile dostupne mnogo pre nego sto je dosao u Srbiju. To sto Doot nije mogao da ukapira kako stvari funkcionisu je verovatno zato sto je neandertalni debiloidni papan koji umesto da pita se ponasa kao simpanza (rekao bih tipican Srbin).
    Za nasilje je tacno i nasilje uvek treba smanjivati, ali nivo nasilja je duplo manji nego u nekim zemljama na severu (Belgija i Finska dok sitnog kriminala imaju vise Nemacka i Holandija, Velika Britanija, Francuska). Porast nasilja je zbog abolicije koju je uradila vlada ove godine.

    Doot je mogao da pise o 1000 drugih stvari koje ne funkcionisu (blokada PayPal-a, ksenofobija, homofobija, ljudi koji su tempirane bombe, nasilnicko ponasanje, nasilnicka voznja, opsta apatija i mizantropija, itd.) ali on je uzeo da kenja o necemu sto iskreno i nije istina.

  29. Ouch Serbia is a sad experience for me as well...Travelled there for some days and i have to say that i've never seen so many sad and depressive faces in my life...Everything is sad in that place...there is negative energy everywhere..And its not only me saying this...I met a Serbian man there and we kinda fell inlove...we were talking about the situation in Serbia and his life there..He was saying the same things...poverty,depression,low salaries,sadness....
    We finally broke up...he was aggressive,depressed and he just wanted to get a EE nationality to get out of there...I feel sorry fo these people..There is such corruption also that nobody seems to care about Sebian people...

  30. why aren't you still posting?! I NEED MORE laughs!!!

    I'm an American who has been traveling to Serbia annually off and on for the past 15 years almost. I'm not a Serb, but I'm married to one (Oh and btw I'm not a shmuck ... not yet at least ;) ) Everything is funny because it's true. I've noticed ALL of this every time I go to Serbia, but I gotta say, I still love the place. I also lived in East Asia for a year, and that place sucks too. It just sucks for different reasons. Everywhere sucks for that matter, it just all sucks at varying degrees :) Thanks for the blog. I love it. Post more please :)

    1. Thanks for enjoying my blog :)

    2. btw, I didn't come here because I hated it. I loved it too when I came periodically for a few weeks at a time.

      Trust me, you'd hate it too here after a few months. Please don't let your husbands parents guilt him into compelling you to become a schmuck :)

    3. Dear Doot,
      I have noticed that you replied to Linda with warmth, respect and kindness. She basically said the same as me ("everywhere sucks"), but got very different response from you. Why is that?

  31. Dear Doot,
    you're a wimp.

  32. Dear Doot,
    you're a faggot.

  33. Dear Doot,
    you're a twat.

  34. I thought I was the only one who thought like this. There is a requirement to be patriotic in this region, and especially if you have been outside the country for a long time. I suppose the idea is that those of us who have been out and left, that we now have to prove our commitment to the motherland by loving it unconditionally. The shitty thing is, it's like telling a person to stay in an abusive relationship - if you're under an illusion that you're happy, that should do it. Nevermind ever critically thinking about where you live and recognize that it systematically sucks and in that paradox, we have the right to live here or anywhere else where we are legally able to do so despite frequent requests to leave if we don't like it.

    I totally stole your idea because I also need therapy:

    1. glad I inspired you :)

      Thanks for enjoying my blog. I enjoyed your first two posts.

      why not enable comments?

    2. I understand your feelings. However, what I don't understand is why you have an urge to tell the world that BiH sucks as this is what everybody think anyway. What did you expect when you come back? I would like to read a blog about what is OK in BiH. That would be interesting. That it sucks is generally accepted.

    3. Also, I would prefer if your blog was in BHS. It would be much more effective while negative stereotypes would not be enforced.

    4. why don't you write your own, "say something nice about Bosnia" blog or your own "say something critical, but not in English so most of the world won't understand what is said" blog?

    5. Dear Doot,
      Thank you for your prompt response. At the moment I don't feel that I am in position for such commitment. Would you ever say something bad about your family to other families that are probably as bad or worse than yours?

  35. Doot, Serbs did not invented the fork but they use it in 14 th Century while in London area there where only wolves howling and Brits eat with the bare hands. You missed the point with the fork story.
    When Richard Lion's hart came to make the deal with Tzar Dusan he used his finger prints to sign because he was illiterate and thee he saw the forks used at the table.
    Making money using that country and hating it in the same time does not count as moral thing to do.

    1. Seems like something to be ashamed of, then. If Serbs were so advanced 1000 years ago, then what a shame they are so retarded in every way imaginable today.

      I'm not quite sure I understand your point. It's immoral to hire Serbs unless you like Serbia? silly

    2. To "Anonymous December 2":

      Surely you must realize that what you wrote here is pure nonsense. Even if Tsar Dusan adopted the fork from the Byzantines, that meant absolutely nothing to an average inhabitant of Serbia of those times. In fact, most Serbian peasants ate and drank out of a pig trough, and some still do.

      While many European countries had numerous schools and universities since medieval times, Serbia still had staggering rates of illiteracy deep into the 19th and even 20th century.

      To cite the paper: JUDICIARY IN SERBIA FROM MID 19th TO EARLY 20th CENTURY
      "the last illiterate judge in Serbia was to become retired only in 1862"

      Even today there are "over one million 'functionally illiterate' persons" in Serbia:

      Open your eyes and stop spouting nonsense.

  36. "Croatian and Serbian are different languages like New Hampshire English and Louisiana English are different languages."

    "Montenegro is Croatia on food-stamps. Same shit, but with a little less corn in it."

    Dead & fucking buried. I choked to death while eating proja & reading this. Oh the irony.


  37. Hey, what to fuck you doing on Balkan, go men to Asia if you wont to fuck for 5 $, this is EUROPE fuck of from here

  38. The person who wrote this text is just jealous. We are poor and sad people, it's true, but we are smart also. Our Mathematical Gymnasium is the best in Europe. And everything that the people from Europe and US know about Balkanian countries is a big lie because of bad propagnada by their own politicians.
