Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear other expats with terrible impressions of Serbia,

Some of you have posted in the comments enthusiastic agreement with my sentiments and promises to make your own blogs.

Seems like I'm not the only foreigner here who's extremely frustrated.

Please. Don't just promise to make your own blog. Post your bad experiences in lurid detail here!

Many thanks  :)


  1. i had an objective blog about why serbia sucks with real life examplesno one would disagree with except the ultra proud serbs who defend this midevil kingdom with unrelated arguments and proofs serbia is great... ie we have the best tennis player :)

    1. This theme comes up once in a while on the blog :)

  2. I wrote that comment from my cell phone yesterday, and read your blog. Fuck i hate typing on touch screen... anyway.. now im In the office and on the computer... so I can elaborate.

    I had the blog a Canadian Living in Serbia (maybe you read it).

    Well, there I also provided real, objective reasons on why Serbia sucks.

    -The tale of the sitno - how you always have to have fucking change no matter where you go, its mandatory "Dali Moze Imato 2 Din, SITNO, -- or if you give em a 1000 din bill, E nemate sitno??? and then i say, E nemam, bankomat da samo hijadarke bre!!!


    Then there are the inefficiencies abound, like getting anything done/changed, and having to run back n forth.

    and many other things that piss me off, but as u; i only remember them when im fucking pissed off :D

    It was a good blog, but I shut it down cuz the over protecting serbs that didn't get the essence of what I was saying pissed me off, so i nuked the blog and deleted it all.

    Hit me up, i left my email in one of your other threads


  3. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

    If you don't like a place, relocate.

    And if you cannot find a job anywhere else in the world, it certainly isn't Serbia's fault.

    Don't make a hate blog about it. It is something a spoiled brat would do.

    1. Hey douchebag, you're even more pathetic for commenting. This blogger has every right to express his opinions if he wishes to. If you don't like what he writes DON'T READ IT. If you think he's wrong about something either elaborate or fuck off his blog. It's as simple as that. As long as he's not breaking any laws by staying in Serbia, he is free to do so as he pleases.

    2. thank you for your reaction. My blog is for people just like you :)

  4. doot is of bosnian muslim, not serbian, origin, and the real reason he hates serbia is that he is a short pathetic fugly excuse of a male who expected serbian girls to be easy whores, which they are, but he cant get even them...

    1. Thanks, I like it when angry Balkanians spew weird racist crap and provide a good example of themselves for my western audience.

      Much better than anything I could relay second-hand.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Doot, I've got a suggestion for you, I always hear them talking about their "serbian pride", and I (always) wonder "proud of what???", why don't you create a post about the topic?, it might get a little bit of attention from these brutally nationalistic rampant monkeys and we'd surely enjoy their frustrated written shortcomings don't you think? Lol ;)

    1. I'm proud enough to say I'm different than you, frankly I didn't want to insult you or your country, but I believe we are different, I would not spent 5 minutes on place which I don't like 5 minutes.
      I apologize for everything bad any Serbian done to you, I truly do but Jesus you are typing how you hate Serbia for last 4 years.... dude's you need a help more than we do......

    2. Hey Buddy.

      Glad you're enjoying my site for hours this morning...... Enjoying it from the UK, I see, though.

  7. I'm not from UK, well I must admit I'm not enjoying, but what I'm trying to realize is how this anger come. Did you realize that you been supported by nation which have reason to hate Serbia, and I agree with John you are doing it better than anyone else. I think I have right to read and looks like I even have right to post my opinion :) I understand motives of other nations who actually have more personal reason to hate us then you are, could you tell me what really happened to you?
    Please just don't tell me you are pissed since we don't have subway :) tell me what is the real reason? If you don't want to answer me in public you can send me a private msg. Frankly I feel horrible since I realize that you have been experiencing something terrible in my country and honestly I'm willing to help you!

    1. LOL!!!!

      I love these points where people are confused and trying to find the REAL reason.

      Buddy. read the fucking blog for the real reason. I don't hate Serbia because of MY country. I don't hate Serbia because of something I heard on BBC or CNN. I hate Serbia because it's a fucking DUMP - inside and out. Inhabited by people with the most peculiar combination of laziness, irresponsibility and PRIDE. I hate it here because every second person is a failed, aspiring petty-criminal (Thank god extortion season passed. That's early spring).

      I also get depressed because this entire nation is a monument to failed politics from a failed, sick society.

      I could go on and on, but if you really don't know the REAL reason after reading this blog, it's not going to help you to reiterate things.

      Look. I'm happy you love your country. It's good that you love your country. I don't want to take anything away from you.

      When you finally move here from the UK, I hope you and your wife have a fabulous time.
